7 Pointers on Mental Health Impact of Youth Unemployment

U stands for Unemployment for #BlogchatterA2Z– 7 Pointers on Mental Health Impact of Youth Unemployment. A person’s total well-being depends on their physical and mental health. This implies the health of youth as well. Our population and the number of youths in India are the highest in the world. They have the potential to bring about economic security and growth. Their success depends on their overall well-being. But they face a horde of challenges from social, cultural, financial and environmental factors.
The job market is forever dynamic and the hunt for a job adds to the anxiety of the Indian youth. The fear of joblessness and the burden of finding a placement leads to feelings of uncertainty and self-loathing. This affects their mental health.
7 Pointers on Mental Health Impact of Youth Unemployment
Stigma of Unemployment
If mental health is one of the biggest stigma, then joblessness is a close second. In India, there is inadequate knowledge of mental health problems and even if they know about it, they sweep it under the carpet. Youth also don’t seek help because of the surrounding shame. They aspire to be self-reliant.
Effects of Unemployment
- Research states that being jobless can reduce five years of a person’s lifespan.
- Young people are suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, mental issues and suicidal tendencies.
- Jobless youth are getting lured into terrorist groups.
- Young people are drinking too much, using drugs, smoking, and driving recklessly. They do this to vent their anger against society and the failing system.
- Society perceives unemployment as a personal failure or lethargy rather than a failure of governance. The result of the stress is feelings of shame, anxiety, and hopelessness.
- Joblessness leads to severe anxiety in the youth and their families. Financial insecurity and not being able to fulfil basic needs leads to mental health problems.
- Research states that six out of every ten unemployed young people have insomnia because of anxiety. And more than half said they didn’t seek help because of stress. A report also says that they prefer living in isolation.
7 Tips to Handle Unemployment
- It is critical to help and support the younger generation in their pursuit of employment. Unemployment pensions and job training schemes can help boost confidence and raise their morale to seek a job.
- If the government is not providing this, then the community has to be supportive of the young. It would help if we support the youth and not be judgemental or mock their financial condition.
- Along with this, they need mental health care. A supportive milieu for therapy and counselling would help make them feel inclusive.
- Education is a basic need and skill development will empower them to seek employment.
- A healthy mind needs a healthy body. The government should focus on improving schools. They should include healthy meals to tackle malnutrition and anaemia.
- English education is crucial in a multilingual country like India. Youth find it difficult to adjust to different lingual states and cultures.
- The digital era expects multi-skills from the youth. Skill development is a necessity.
7 Pointers on Mental Health Impact of Youth Unemployment
- The migration of the rural Indian population to the urban environment which is developing and technology-driven has led to a lack of skill sets.
- Youths find it difficult to fit in with the changing culture. The old-style joint unified family has changed to a nuclear family. The outcome of this is isolation, problems in relationships, depression, and committing suicide.
- Internet and the virtual world have led to a surge in expenses. The temptation of gadgets leads to addiction and stress. The rate of inflation and the unemployment in the well-read community is increasing.
- Intercaste and interrace marriages have shaken the value systems and adolescents find this confusing.
- Financial security and monetary problems weigh on young minds and lead to depression.
- Youth with a bachelor’s or master’s degree are either jobless or get low wages.
- There is a surge in start-ups as the young are unable to find placement in their chosen field of study.

To succeed, youth need to know a lot about their job. Being smart, and dynamic, updating technical skills, getting along with peers, working well in teams, and adapting to new things is important. If the youth are themselves with this armour, they can overcome any mental health problems.
This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter
I am participating in #BlogchatterA2Z
- A- Anxiety Disorders
- B-Bullying-A growing concern for Adolescents
- C- 10 Ways to Cope with Stress for Adolescents
- D-Supporting Adolescents with Depression
- E-Eating Disorders in Adolescents in India
- F- Role of Family in Adolescent Mental Health
- G- Supporting Adolescents in Gender identity
- H-Harmful Substance Abuse in Adolescents
- I- Helping Adolescents Navigate Identity Confusion
- J- Mental Health in Juvenile Offenders
- K-Key To a Better Future for Adolescents
- L-LGBTQ+ Adolescents Issues
- M- 5 ways to handle Teenagers’ Mood Swings
- N- Neurodevelopmental Problems in Adolescents
- O-10 signs your child is an online Addict
- P- 15 Tips to deal with peer Pressure
- Q-Quality education to support mental health
- R-10 Tips for Nurturing Healthy Relationships in Teenagers
- S-Addressing self-harming behaviours in Indian adolescents
- T-Healing from Traumatic Experience in Adolescence