#A2ZChallenge 2020 |Theme Reveal | Healthy Breakfast & Dinner Recipes
Challenges spur me on and my grey cells ticking. The Blogchatter #A2ZChallenge 2020 is a hard nut to crack but then when the going gets tough the tough get going! So here is the #A2ZChallenge 2020 |Theme Reveal. Overcoming a challenge gives me a sense of accomplishment; the “I did it” feeling. A challenge provokes one to exercise the mind and train their brain. Makes one stretch one’s limits and perception. It is a chance to use my culinary creativity and share interesting recipes. Learning, sharing something new, collaborating on new ideas gives me a “high”.
#A2ZChallenge 2020 |Theme Reveal
Having participated in the Alexa challenge and the AtoZChallenge2019 you may think it will be a cakewalk for me. I almost didn’t register for the #Blogchatter A2Z this year getting paranoid about the adrenaline rush or blogging rush but then what the heck it’s just a month of madness…bring it on guys! The Road Runner Challenge: #BlogchatterA2Z.
The kids were here for vacation till the 18th and I thought I will still have time but now they have to extend their stay indefinitely due to the Corona scare. I do not know how I will manage but I will surely try even if I have to burn the midnight oil or become an owl!

Hail April the1st
Beware the ides of March, we had heard but for us bloggers, it is the month of April…1st April is no fools day but the start of the “A to Z Blogging Challenge”, hosted by Blog chatter. I have learnt a lot with them and they continue to inspire me to go the extra mile. Last year I published my first e-book with Blogchatter E-book carnival, on Mocktails and Desserts and boy wasn’t I proud of the achievement? The euphoria lasted a long while and its time to recreate the magic again.
#A2ZChallenge 2020 |Theme Reveal
Wondering why this theme?
Well, through my blogging journey and the comments on my posts on Social Media, I see that people skip breakfast. But the science behind breakfast and why it is the most important meal of the day is because breakfast gives a kick-start to your metabolism and actually helps you burn more calories through the day. On the contrary, if you skip breakfast your body gets the message to conserve rather than burn calories.
Look out for my simple breakfast recipes and try them out. Last year’s theme reveal is here.
We are active in the day so we need more energy whereas we require minimal energy after dinner as we are ultimately going to sleep. A light dinner leads to good digestion and induces restful sleep. It reduces the risk of lifestyle diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes and new-age diseases like PCOD & Hypothyroidism.
Have an early dinner preferably proteins for pumping your muscle through the night while fiber will aid in clearing your guts.
Keto Diet
I am planning to share protein-rich dinners more suited to the Keto Diet. Any preferences or ideas please share.
These recipes will give you great ideas to plan healthy breakfast and dinners for your family.S o watch out for this space from the first of April and thank me later for lip-smacking recipes.
Do you think it’s a great theme? Please share your views in the comments.
Thank you Team #Blogchatter for this awesome opportunity once again and all the best to all my fellow bloggers.
So let the challenge begin! #A2ZChallenge 2020 |Theme Reveal