Empathy & Mental Health are Inter-linked

Is Empathy a bridge to Mental Health? I am unquestionably sure that Empathy & Mental Health are Inter-linked.
Here’s what Wikipedia says about Empathy:
“Empathy is the capability to share and understand another’s emotions and feelings. It is often characterized as the ability to “put oneself into another’s shoes,” Empathy does not necessarily imply compassion, sympathy, or empathic concern because this capacity can be present in the context of compassionate or cruel behaviour. Since empathy involves understanding the emotional states of other people, the way it is characterized is derivative of the way emotions themselves are characterized. If, for example, emotions are taken to be centrally characterized by bodily feelings, then grasping the bodily feelings of another will be central to empathy.
On the other hand, if emotions are more centrally characterized by a combination of beliefs and desires, then grasping these beliefs and desires will be more essential to empathy. The ability to imagine oneself as another person is a sophisticated imaginative process. However, the basic capacity to recognize emotions is probably innate and may be achieved unconsciously. Yet it can be trained and achieved with various degrees of intensity or accuracy.”
What is empathy?
The knack of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes; intellectually and emotionally. We all need empathy at some point in our lives. It gives a sense of belonging and helps us heal hearts. It comprises of progressive response to express compassion and understanding. Remarkably, the coupling power of empathy helps both; the person going through mental issues as well as the person who is lending an empathetic ear. Empathy can make a mental health patient feel revitalised and light.
Just two magic words- “I understand” signifies caring. Most of the time it is difficult to understand what a mentally ill person is going through. But bear in mind that showing you care and recognising their discomfort is important even if you have never been through the experience.
Being Empathetic
Learning to be empathetic is no rocket science. You just have to develop and convey empathy. Just by paying attention to another’s feelings, you can become sensitized.
Empathy can have a great influence on all our relationships. Family and friends you care about will appreciate the empathy you offer. It is one of the most effective ways to help anyone going through a mental health problem
Empathetic Listening
All it takes to calm down a mental health patient is empathetic listening. Just hearing out can be comforting, calming and healing. It works almost as well as a relaxant or anti-depressant. Just simple listening with no sermons and counter questions will make the person feel you comprehend and understand the agony. Let the patient talk freely and don’t be judgemental.
The anguish increases when you are lonely and by showing empathy you can calm down the person. People going through mental health problems hesitate to reach out but they do want attention and support.
Source: https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/2017/07/quiet-power-listening/
Empathy & Mental Health are Inter-linked
A harrowing experience leaves a person distraught and beats one’s ability to cope. One feels powerless, defenceless, and emotional during mental trauma. The first reaction would be denial and longer-term reactions include erratic emotions, flashbacks, and psychosomatic illness. Feelings of pity or sympathy could trigger emotions of agitation and aggravate the already delicate mental balance of a distressed soul.
How to feel empathy?
If one has lost a dear one then just feel what the other is going through….believe me, it’s not that difficult.
If someone is going through a terminal illness, just feel what that person must be feeling.
If anyone lost a job then he/she would be devastated. Can’t one understand what it feels like to be fired?
If one has been dumped in love then hear the shattering of the heart into a million pieces. Try to gather them together.
If one is faced with a financial problem then am sure one can sense what it is to be penniless.
It’s very easy to give advice but then does anybody follow it up? Why do family and friends give the cold shoulder after lauding one with majestic soliloquies? Can’t we take out a little time to be there for our family or friends? Giving charity is easy but being empathetic is difficult. Don’t choose the easy way out!
Let me share my experience-
When I lost my husband, I was asked to “move on with your life” (my life just turned upside down).
“Relax “(how do I relax when I have two kids to support?)
Someone said, “take a chill pill’’ (my soul was already cold).
“Do what you feel like “(I feel like crawling into a 6-foot grave)
“Take on a hobby, anything that your heart pleases – paint, write, sketch, read or play an instrument to experience a real mood elevator” (I needed work, not a hobby)
“Start hitting the gym it will make you feel better” (how do I pay for it?)
“Listen to your favourite music and forget all the cares of the world”(music sounds like grating noise when one is in distress)
“If you are a book lover then go buy your favourite book and laze around in your bed with it” (I can’t pay my bills and you want me to buy a book?),
“Indulge yourself-go for a spa treatment and a massage it will surely relaxxxxxxxxx you “(as if it will be paid for by a Robin Hood!)
“When life throws a curveball then squeeze it like stress ball-take off for a vacation, a change of scene will do you a great deal of good” (as if running away will solve my problems!)
Right now I am going through a depressive phase. Financial insecurity is one reason. Insensitive people say,” Why don’t you do Volunteer service to come out of depression“?
On the other hand, I have this Twitter friend, Dr Garima, who has lent me an empathetic ear and is helping me back to my normal self.
Empathy & Mental Health are Inter-linked
Just by listening and chanting the simple mantra, “I am here for you”; would be of immense help!
EMPATHY should be explained in schools and it should be mandatory for every human being to recognize its value.
Be Human. Empathy could relieve millions of distressed souls. Get rid of your apathy and empathize.
Do read my post on How I exorcised the depression Monster in 2020
‘This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter’
Thanks a lot for the mention. Talking to you has been an enriching experience for me too. A fighter like you inspires many. Stay blessed!
You have inspired me to write..it has restored my faith in mankind…people like you are rare and need to be cherished my dear.
Empathy is really important. I can feel those lines, the insensitive statements, many times unconsciously because of lack of awareness. We all ought to learn how to speak when we address mental health.
Thank you, Leha..I hear you! And I do feel you. Do reach out anytime.
Completely agree. Empathy and mental health are definitely interlinked. Good post!
Thank you Deepa
The world around us is full of advices and most of them are judgmental and hurting. Having empathy has become a rare resource and must definitely be considered by everyone.
Thanks Seema..yes it is
Such a heart touching post dear and I am completely agree with your thoughts. people in our surrounding society are always ready to give plenty of advice, when we go through a rough phase. but at that time we only want an empathetic ear to listen and understand our feelings. sadly, empathy has become a rare emotion in today’s busy world.
Thanks for the appreciation Surbhi. It is becoming a very tough life to cope with. Empathy will help us cope.
Empathy should be taught to kids at an early age. With changing lifestyle, it will be pretty likely for kids to get affected by mental health issues. And that time if they know how to handle it then nothing can be better than that.
Very true…In India there is only sympathy…and lots of apathy..need to change it
Empathy and mental health Definitely go without saying. They are both related and have been for ages. It’s good you weot about this. “But do take care of yourself and call if you need to talk.”…. My magic words..
Thank you Cindy…I am getting better a bit..will surely reach out if I have to…Lots of love for those magic words <3
Yes I completely agree with you. I can actually relate how one feels at that point in time and the contrasting statements/ suggestions that people give to you.. they seem so phony and the reality of the world actually gets revealed in front of you. Still a single empathetic talk can become a breather of hope.
Thanks Judy….just understanding means u really care<3
Empathy seems to be difficult to come by. So sorry to hear about your loss and wishing you and your family strength in these times. I am glad you found a friend and an empathetic listener in Dr. Garima.
Thank you, Neha..There were few more to u but this time it was Dr Garima who is my guardian angel.I am blessed
It is brave of you to share your experience and this itself is big step forward. Empathy should be taught at schools , it is the basic of being human ! My best wishes to you !
Thank you so much, Preeti..that is so sweet of you.
It takes courage and strong power to come out and stand on your feet, yes!! I agree with many things you mentioned in your experience as after my father left us, suggestions were the same coming from society and my mom stands strong with her deeds!!
Yes, Ruchi….hats off to your mom..wish u all the best
Empathy isn’t talked about enough. One needn’t experience what the other person is going through, just have a patient ear and trying to understand is good.
Thanks Varsha…yes indeed it is like that
Experiencing the situation and imagining is situation are two different things, yet who break this difference are empathetic in nature. Being a patient listener and assuring with motivating words is what needed in tough situations. Harjeetji, you are truly brave and your writing is going to make many more people to fight over depression.
Thank you, Sonal..I am just trying to get my feelings across
I agree that empathy should be taught in schools because it’s one trait that’s clearly missing in the majority of human beings. How could imagining the situation of the other person be that difficult? I am sorry that you have to go through all of that and listen to such useless comments & advice. Please stay strong, more power to you!
Thank you, Neha..its been years now and it doesn’t ever stop.
The world is full of opinions and suggestions which do not even make sense at times to the receiver. More than suggestions what one needs is a ear so that person can hear your problem and understand you without any judgement or bias and understand your position. I have a friend who was going through depression after falling out of a relationship and I was with her out and out till she came out of…
Thats awesome, Hansa…ur friend was lucky she had you along
Thanks for sharing this it’s really helpful for everyone. Empathy and mental health is really important and should be taken care of
Thank you Neha..I shared my own experiences.
absolutely right you are here. Empathy is something not talked about much. but recently I attended a seminar recently organised by work and not this post too clarified by thoughts. Greart post
Thank you, Gunjan..am glad I could help
Empathy is a topic that has not been dealt with much. We live in a fast world where no one has time to thing of others. In a world of apathy, empathy has the utmost relevance.
Thank you..yes that’s how it is
You are right Harjeet.We can all be a little more empathetic and less judgmental.Great post
Thank u so much, Amrita