How can you build that strength to live nonstop as you grow older?

Being an active person, I believe in regular yoga and walks. But I have learnt that even if I exercise regularly, I am losing my muscle mass and strength with age. The loss of muscle mass and strength, namely Sarcopenia, is a part of ageing and can reduce lifespan and quality of life. How can you build that strength to live nonstop as you grow older? Exercise, along with a healthy diet of high-quality protein, can bring down the rate of muscle loss.
Menopause leads to loss a of strength and immunity
At 25 we are at our peak, and strength reaches a plateau by the time we touch 40. After that there is a steady decline. After menopause, I have seen that there is a marked loss of strength. Menopause, which plainly means the “pause” of your (period), brings about many natural changes. Most of this is because of the change in metabolism as we age.
This is progressively hampering my pace of life. I sense that my flexibility and muscle strength has decreased to a great extent. My doc advised that it is time to neutralise loss of muscle mass to avoid a slowdown of metabolic rate.
Menopause leads to fat gain as well. But instead of reducing my diet, I aim to eat enough calories and be mindful of what I eat and drink. My diet consists of nutritious foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains that are home-cooked and not processed. The body needs healthy proteins and fats.
Hormonal changes due to menopause can even affect our immune system. To diminish the risk of developing an autoimmune disease, we need to take several steps to reinforce the immune system.
A healthy diet leads to boosting immunity and decreases the chance of catching stray infections. As we age, nutrition and immunity work in tandem. The need to pay minute attention to our diet is crucial.
How can you build the strength with age, in India?
Inadequate nutrition can compromise our immunity and increase the risk of infections. Dietary supplements can be taken to improve health & energy. They can be added to fill the gap of nutritional needs not met by our diet.
Various micronutrients are crucial for immunocompetence. Â Micronutrient deficiencies are now a global phenomenon, principally, vitamins like A, C, D, E, B2, B6, and B12, folic acid, iron, selenium, and zinc. Our immunity can be boosted by refurbishing deficient micronutrients to increase resistance to infection. Our diet may be insufficient according to our age. We need custom-made micronutrient supplements to enhance our immunity.
The extra nutrients or protein that I need to help build muscle comes through products like Ensure. It gives me the #StrengthToLiveNonStop.
It is a comprehensive, balanced nutrition supplement designed for ageing adults. Just one glass of tasty vanilla or chocolate flavour offers high-quality protein and 31 other nutrients essential for a healthy diet.
So this is my way of building my strength – exercise and right nutrition. How do you ensure your #StrengthToLiveNonStop?
On a personal note, I’ve been using Ensure myself for years now and even my parents take it. It really does make a difference, especially as we age.
Yes Doc…it does help
True, I have also added Ensure to my diet to give me #StrengthToLiveNonStop.
Its the need of the hour I guess
My inlaws were prescribed Ensure, and seeing the change in their strength and Immunity I asked the Doctor if I could take it too. It has really helped.
Same MIL and SIL used to I have started
I am also going through early signs of menopause and feel it takes so much more effort to lose the excess fat. Also I would feel lack of energy so I agree with you. Ensure has surely helped me regain my lost strength.
I am struggling to cope with sudden loss of energy..that’s why taking Ensure
Our Regular diet actually leads to a deficiency of nutrition’s and finding a perfect balance is almost impossible . So additional supplements like Ensure help to fill the gap and keep the immunity level upto the mark.
Very true,…it has been for me
I admire how much energy and positivity you have even at this age, Harjeet. Now I know the secret behind your health and glow too!
Thank you, Varsha. All that is past now. I have been ill for 3 months now. Trying to limp back to normalcy.