Natural Organic Hair Colour | No Harmful Chemicals, No Side Effects

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Natural Organic Hair Colour with Video Tutorial
A trace of grey can be worrisome, just to see a discoloured strand in your locks can be stressful. At one time ageing and going grey hair went hand in hand. But now, ‘Premature greying of hairs’ has become rampant amongst the youth as well. Fortuitously, there is an answer to this problem; a Natural Organic Hair Colour. A healthier substitute to chemical hair dye which will give you striking, black tresses; a henna and indigo hair treatment. I have been using this formula since the past four years and tweaked and twisted it until I got the best results. Just follow the steps exactly and you can get the best result. Research has proved that repeated hair colouring with chemical dyes causes hair damage. More and more people are turning to natural hair dyes to colour their hair, for this reason.
Natural Organic Hair Colour
The probable explanations for premature greying could be stress, sleep deprivation, junk food, use of chemical hair products, pollution, coffee, aerated drinks, junk food and so on. What you can do to prevent this is to use natural hair oil, sleep as much as you can, stop doing chemical-based shampoos, hair DYES, getting hair straightened or permed. Although hair dyes off the shelf or from a bottle are a convenient solution and are certified safe for use, in reality, the chemicals they contain will only make your hair grey faster.
This method that I use with natural organic products is with the formula of orange + Indigo= Soft black. Usually henna gives a deep red colour but we have to tone it down. That’s why I recommend a shampoo after henna application and not just a rinse.
Natural Organic Hair Colour
You may ask is it safe to use henna and indigo on your hair?
Yes, it is safe to use henna and indigo on your hair as they are all-natural ingredients. Nevertheless, to make sure that you are not allergic to either of these natural hair dyes, do a patch test on the inside of your elbow before proceeding with colouring your hair.
Another question would be, how long does the colour last?
Typically, the colour lasts for 3 weeks.
What is Henna?
Henna is a small tree which grows in the tropical climates of Africa, northern Australia, and southern Asia. Its leaves comprise of a pigment called lawsone which pools in with proteins to cause colouring. Because of this quality, Henna has been used throughout the ages to colour hair and create body art designs.
Origin of Mehendi
It is believed that Mehendi originated in the deserts of India. The people living there learned that covering their hands and feet with coloured paste from the Henna plant helped them to feel cooler. I used to wonder why my mom used to smear her feet in summer and she would say that it made her feel cool. Later on, a creative person must have started making intricate designs with the coloured paste instead of just spreading it on. In due course, brides began to decorate their feet and hands with henna as part of their wedding rituals. Henna tattoos were also supposed to bestow blessings and good luck. By tradition, it is thought that the darker the Mehendi on the bride’s hand, the more passionately her husband will love her.
Natural Organic Hair Colour
Henna for the Hair
Henna is a natural permanent dye that is extensively used throughout the world for its colour and remarkable benefits to the hair. This hair colouring dates back thousands of years and has been used by both men and women to dye their hair. It is a growing trend now in the natural hair industry as it is a healthy substitute for the toxic chemical dyes found in the market. Henna does the reverse for the scalp and hair that artificial dyes do. It actually makes the hair tougher, glossier, and healthier and revitalises dry, dull and damaged hair. Actually, the more it is applied the better it is for the hair. Synthetic dyes, may not only damage the hair but also one’s health. Many are allergic to artificial hair dyes but not from henna. The henna that I buy is pure Rajasthani Henna
Indigo is one of the oldest known dyes. In the past, it was extensively used for dyeing textiles. Derived by crushing leaves of the plant genre Indigofera, Indigo was said to be a precious commodity and known as ‘blue gold’.
Only pure Indigo powder derived from Indigofera Tinctoria is best suited for hair as a natural hair dye. Do not get bewildered by the abundant options available to buy indigo powder online. I have tried and tested mainly and have zeroed in only on Dr.Jain’s Indigo Powder.
Natural and Organic Indigo powder is considerably different from its synthetic substitutes. It doesn’t contain ammonia or PPD or other chemicals like most hair dyes.
What Are The Advantages Of Using Indigo?
It is an all-natural hair dye that does not harm your hair in any way.
When smeared over henna treated hair, it gives a soft black colour.
Consistent use of indigo on hair can treat and check premature greying.
This mainly unknown natural hair dye offers such a range of benefits, right?
Let’s look at how you can colour your hair black using henna and indigo!
How to Use Henna and Indigo to Colour Your Hair Black
Incidentally, dyeing your hair with henna and indigo for black hair is a two-step process. You can’t simply mix the two together and apply. To get beautiful black tresses, you need to first treat your hair with henna and then smear it with the indigo.
What You Need?
150 gm Rajasthani Henna Powder
100 gm Indigo Powder
Lukewarm water
Iron Bowl
Big spoon
Old towel
Shower cap
Rubber gloves
What to Do?
1. Applying Henna
Firstly, combine the Rajasthani henna powder and water in an iron bowl.
Now, mix until you have a thick pudding-like paste.
Subsequently, cover the bowl and leave it overnight for the dye in the henna to discharge.
Next morning, drape an old towel around your shoulders and put on your gloves.
First, start applying henna with a hair colouring brush right from the roots to the ends. Working from the centre to the outer.
Next, roll each section around your finger into a little curl and stick it to your head.
Once, you are done with smearing henna to all the sections, apply the rest of the henna all over your head.
Pay special attention to the front and your sideburns, as they show more.
Lastly, put on a shower cap.
Subsequently, you can leave in the henna for anywhere between 1 and a half to 2 hours.
Shampoo your hair. Yes, not just rinse but also shampoo your hair.

2. Applying Indigo for Natural Organic Hair Colour
Firstly, mix the indigo powder with lukewarm until you have a thick paste.
Next, divide your hair into sections and apply the indigo paste from the roots.
You can leave the length of hair if it is not too grey.
After applying the indigo all over your hair, comb it through.
It is equally important to pay more attention to the front hairline and sides.
Finally, put on a shower cap and leave it on for 1 ½ hours maximum.
Once dry, your hair will turn purple but don’t panic.
Finally, shampoo it off to get soft black tresses.
Using Indigo Powder after Henna gives my hair a dark tint naturally. Henna actually, is an excellent, all-natural hair conditioner and colourant that adds volume, richness and shine.
Henna is a really safe option for hair colour.
For luxurious hair, I use this Hair Oil Recipe for Hair loss
I have soft silky hair so I do not use conditioner but I do use this Trichup’s shampoo and Hair mask which are natural products and give a bounce to my otherwise limp hair. You can check them out here- Trichup Shampoo and Trichup Hair Mask
Homemade Hair Oil Recipe for Hair Loss
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Feels so good to read a detailed blog on hair color. My use to apply a lot of henna on her hair but somewhere we have forgotten it
Thanks is natural and organic that’s why best to go back to ancient traditions
My friend uses indigo for hair color but I haven’t yet.
Seems it will work good for me too.
Yes Jennifer it does work Do try it out
Loved the way you have dispelled myths in the form of FAQs. I have been wary of trying henna for my greying hair, but after reading your post, I am surely going to pick up Indigo. Thank you for this informative post.
Thank u so much Mayura ..its my pleasure to share.
You must try the hair colour range from Krya (Krya goodies) they are simply brilliant! Henna based.
Thanks Pratibha..will surely check
My friend has been using these, the only difference being she mixes the Indigo Powder to her Henna. I will share this post with her. I am also going to try it myself. Such a helpful post, Harjeet.
The mixing doesnt work very well Mayuri. I have tried and tested many combos. Only this way it works.
Heena is seems a great way to color hairs. I m surely try the combination of heena and indigo powder for may hairs next time… Very informative post.
Thanks, Yogita Please do try
Your hair looks so beautiful. Will definitely try out this method for my dad.
Henna works wonders on our hair. My mom always relied on it and now even I do.
Yes but only henna gives a red colour
Will this work on damaged hair?
Yes, it is mainly for damaged hair only.Mine was totally damaged and now its luxuriant
I have heard about Henna but never heard about indigo, A little skeptical on using it on hair, but would definitely try soon
Why r u skeptical? It is like henna leaf only.It is organic and natural.
Thanks a lot for such a detailed post.. This is need of an hour as graying hair happening quite early in the age due to many reasons and coloring makes your hair rough. Lovely share
My pleasure Swati..yes hair dyes result in dryness as well as hair fall.Thank u so much
This is quite an informative post. Greying of hair is rampant, and harmful chemicals in store bought colors are even more damaging in the long run.
You have enlisted some healthy replacements, and they are safe and home made.
It was good to know about the origin of Mehandi.
Thanks jyoti..I keep looking for herbal solutions
Ahh, that’s fun to have natural organic hair color right in your home easily.
Always knew of henna application, indigo is a piece of new information for me.
Thanks for sharing.
My pleasure Pragun…yes I keep looking for organic methods for hair and skin. I rarely use store-bought creams.
I could really use this. Thanks for sharing, Harjeet. I avoid coloring my hair (although the grays are showing now) because of the chemicals and hate the reddish tinge of henna. Will try adding indigo next time.
My pleasure Ritu..yes only henna is awful but with Indigo it’s a nice soft black
My mother has been asking me for a home recipe for hair colour and this post is my answer. I will share this with her asap!
Thanks really works and is harmless
I had never heard of Indigi as a hair colour, interesting
I have been using since 4 years Pooja
Your natural colour made of henna and indigo powder I think will work. Nicely written.
Thank you Sivaranjini
I have given up coloring my hair as parlors were shut during the lockdown. Guess I can try this Indigo Natural hair color at home and get good results like you.
Thank u Anahita…yes u can try it out at home 🙂
I’ve used henna for conditioning my hair for the longest time. However, now that the greys have started to show it would be a good idea to add the indigo powder process too. This is a good way to naturally colour hair.
Thanks has worked well for me
I really have so much of hair fall and these tips are really gonna help me a lot!! Thanks a lot for sharing this with us!!
My pleasure try it out
Good to know about the Indigo powder. I was looking for a good and herbal hair colour. Now I know this! I will check it out.
Thanks really works wonders
I definitely needed this. I use henna for my hair.will try to use indigo too. #tmmreads
Thanks Sindhu..please do try 🙂
Organic coloring is always advisable, though henna makes my hair dry (they are naturally frizzy and dry) so I have to be extra careful while applying henna
Yes, henna can make it dry.You shud try the hair mask I shared.It is wonderful.I have been using it
I am inspired to try henna this time
Its not just Henna, has indigo as well
I wasn’t knowing about indigo to apply on hair. May be try once these days as no worries to go workplace. So experiments can be done
I have been using since 4 years now and it has been a great boon fr me
This is such a detailed post.You cleared my doubts.Thanks for the info.Organic is the best actually.
Thank you..yes it is organic and does no harm.Works well too.
love to know more about natural hair coloring, and yes indigo helped me more about it. recently I saw my hair turning grey, would definitely love to try this recipe.
What would u like to know Sona? Please feel free to ask 🙂 Indigo is a natural leaf powder
This is one amazing solution for everyone who wishes to get the best out of their hair color minus chemicals.
Thanks Lancelot. Indeed it is without any of the chemicals.It is all natural and harmless.
I have used both in the past but makes hair very dry 🙁
Yes it does Arti but at least no chemicals no hairfall..I use good hair oil and mask. My hair is nice and soft
wow nice colour. i have used mehendi but not with anything else. i have heard indigo powder is a good combination with mehendi. will check it out… your hair is beautiful.
I am using henna since long years for my hair but indigo is something new to me. thanks for sharing about it. will explore more about this option.
Using indigo dye on hair is something new for me. I have seen my mom using henna on her hair but now she has shifted to the chemical dyes because of the natural color they provide. I will share your method with her, she will love it. Thank you for sharing!
I didnt know about indigo powder before, this is something new to me, shall check it during my next India trip. Thanks for sharing this secret with us. By the way, your tresses look fab!
I was using henna till few years back then someone told me that it makes hair dry and I stopped using it. Indigo seems a great option, will surely try it once.
Bookmarking this post, Harjeet. My greys have started showing up. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Puspanjalee..Please do try it.
I love the effect of henna on hair compared to products fill of chemicals. Plus the color effect is great and strengthens hair too.
Thanks long as it is natural I am good
I am so glad I bumped into your post. I was on a lookout for a natural way to colour my hair and this seems like a great option to try.
Thank u so much Preet. Please do try it.
I used to apply henna earlier… Then shifted to hair color as they are easier to apply… But again I am planning to get back to henna with the addition of indigo… Thanks for this informative post…
This combo is harmless that’s why I opted for this. My hair was falling in bunches.
I have seen many use henna and the results have been orange almost always. Though i dont need it yet but, using this natural source of hair colour sas out of question. But you gave the missing link to natural organic hair colouring. A mixture of indigo dye with henna. Saved the post Thankyou.