What Does Writing Mean to Me?
I Like to Create Magic/Words Have magic in them! Do you agree? I started reading and writing before I started school and I cannot thank my sisters enough for that. I have been reading all my life and I can smugly say that I am a bibliophile. What Does Writing Mean to Me? Born to refugee parents, I come from a humble background and there was never enough money to buy books but that didn’t deter me from reading.
My Library Days
I found a library close by and the rental was 25paise for a book. Being the youngest amongst five siblings, I was Papa’s little darling and he could rarely say no to me. He used to hand me the 25paise without my mom’s knowledge and I used to go walking to the library with my cousin. I used to read as many comics as I could there and then proudly trot back with a book in hand. This became a habit and my mom always called me a bookworm.
Writing at 40
I was always a topper in essay writing and expressing my thoughts came very easily to me. Marriage, kids and being a homemaker did not stop me from reading but did stop me from writing. Serious writing started when I was chosen to write for The Hindu Metro Plus. I was 40 and a greenhorn but I took it in my stride and went ahead and wrote straight from my heart. I am at such a stage of life where I want to expand and explore my horizon; travel is on the agenda and while doing so share my experiences through my blogging.
Writing was an Outlet
Life has given me a raw deal but I learnt to fight. I was a homemaker but when I was widowed at 40, I had to wear the pants in the house to nurture my kids. It was a struggle no doubt but I guess it was worth it. Tough times teach us a lot about ourselves and those around us and I think it has made me a tougher person. The writing was an outlet to let out all the angst and I took to serious blogging.
Food Blogger, It Was
I love to write on any interesting topic under the sun. But I was asked to find my niche. Actually, would have loved to write travel stories but as I could not afford to travel then, I turned to cooking. Interestingly, am a jugaadu cook who can whip up easy recipes and present them as a gourmet dish. I have focused my writing on cooking for the past 4 years. There have been a few travel stories too interspersed with the foodie ones to spice up my blog.
Books Have Magic

Why do I write? Books have some live magic in them and the stories make us conjure up images in our minds. Reading is an act of reflection while reading we merge ourselves in the book. The books we read become a part of us and we animate the characters, always playing the role of the protagonist. Books possess us this way and fill us with thoughts and observations. Our mind is in constant action during this time and it’s like healthy fodder to a starving mind.
Write to get my voice heard| What Does Writing Mean to Me?
I love to read and write and they are interlinked isn’t it? I blog because I want my voice to be heard. I observe family, friends and random people with a keen eye and then I need to ramble with my words and weave a story around them.
Dream On
When I read books in childhood, I would envision myself to be Cinderella or Jo of Little Women or even Alice in Wonderland. This would give wings to my imagination and I lived my dreams. This is how I felt while reading and through my blogging. I want to pass on this cherished legacy to my readers. If I could get even one kid to imagine as I do, my writing would be well worth it. My grandson loves to listen to stories and he recites them too, maybe he is going to write someday.
Writing makes me Happy
Being a late bloomer, I am technically challenged and I have not been able to make my blog very popular. I wish I had a magic wand which would set the SEO, Yoast, Keywords and all the technical stuff to make it a hot potato. Luck is never on my side and I have always worked hard. I had heard that if you do that for long and hard enough you’re successful. At the end of the day, it makes me happy and according to me, that is my success. Amen!
It is good to have book reading sessions for kids as we had and please read why travel makes me happy. Did you know about Reading in September?