10 Ways How a Dog Can Help With Depression
‘This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter’. For starters, let me share that: I hate dogs. I abhor them licking, sniffing, pawing, and jumping up overrunning my personal space. Not liking dogs doesn’t mean I am a heartless monster. The thought of taking care of a creature that cannot converse with me is not appealing. But let me share 10 Ways How a Dog Can Help With Depression
All these feelings are of the past. I suffer from chronic clinical depression. My daughter came home during the recent lockdown and got her puppy, Vodka, along. I was going through a depressive episode but I had no choice but to welcome Vodka into my house.
10 Ways How a Dog Can Help With Depression
I started feeding her and looking after her. Her puppy dog eyes melted my heart and she coerced me into petting her. I guess the Oxytocin or love hormone is released when we make eye contact with dogs. During all this time, I didn’t even realise that I had come out of my depression and Vodka played a huge role in it. Dogs do have a magical effect.
Now, I can state with conviction and personal experience that A Dog Can Help with Depression
During this pandemic, many people have got dogs to keep them cheered.
They can be someone’s best friend. They fill an emotional void with genuine unconditional love. As companions, they’re loyal, obedient and kind. They can even help those with a medical impairment. I think that’s amazing and I respect it —
Research proves that dogs can help ease depression, anxiety and other mental health problems. Let me share how this happens.
Dogs Know You Are Sad
Dogs are attuned to our emotions. It is found that dogs can read our facial expression, body language and tone of our voice. They can look at our faces and know whether we are sad or happy. Like any human friend, a pet dog will look into your eyes and ascertain your emotional condition and attempt to comprehend what you’re thinking and feeling
High Oxytocin Release
Those with depression need lots of oxytocin. It plays a key role in managing anxiety and stress. Just the presence of a dog can help fight depression just because of the increased levels of oxytocin. Levels of serotonin are also said to increase. They make us smile with their cute antics.
Lower Stress
Dog owners have less stress. When we feel stressed, our hormones and blood pressure go awry. Owning a dog lowers blood pressure levels. Their proximity reduces levels of stress and lowers blood pressure. It also induces positive emotions which can make us trust others. These furry friends offer immense emotional support. Just the closeness of dogs can decrease our heart rate. They can lower the stress hormone cortisol, which helps lessen feelings of stress and anxiety.
Cuddles and Snuggles
We humans crave for the basic need of touch. Nowdays, millions live alone and are missing out on this. Dogs fulfil this need which has a therapeutic effect. Dogs demand stroking, petting, cuddles and snuggles. These acts can calm and mollify one when stressed or restless.
Dogs provide Companionship
Depression leads to feeling lonely. At such times, dogs proffer unconditional companionship to their owners. They make them feel that they are not alone. Additionally, as dogs can make out when their owners are depressed, they spontaneously offer comfort if need. Dogs don’t judge you and are, accepting, honest, very loyal, and honest always. If you feel lonely with no support, a dog can help ease your loneliness. Having a pet means you are never alone.
Dogs expand your social interaction
Pets truly increase your social interaction. When you go for walks you meet other dog owners or kids and make friends. You will meet other dog lovers at the Vet and exchange notes or share dog information.
Dogs Help With Anxiety
Dogs help with anxiety and other mental illness, similarly to how they help with depression. A study states that children who had dogs were less expected to suffer from depression or anxiety.
10 Ways How a Dog Can Help With Depression
Dogs Promote a Healthy Lifestyle
Every dog needs exercise and this leads to a healthy lifestyle and help reduce the ramifications of depression. Either for walks or for pee and poop one has to step out. It is a known fact that walking in nature and greenery mends physical and mental health effects. Stepping out in the sun boosts vitamin D. which can also improve mental health. Mental health doctors consider it plays a vital role in various depression symptoms.
Dog leads to Responsibility
People suffering from depression generally do not do their routine chores. But when you have a dog you have to get up to feed them, take them outside, and that’s quite a responsibility. Just doing the bare minimum keeps negative thoughts at bay. Merely owning and caring for a dog can increase your self-assurance and health.
Unconditional Love
Dogs impart an exceptional form of unconditional love and affection. Such that we don’t sometimes receive from family or friends
Which Dog Is Best for depression
There is not much of a variance between specific dog breeds when it is about their health benefits. Any dog would do as long as it needs minimum maintenance.
In a nutshell, dogs make you happier, reduce depression, lessen loneliness, and reduce anxiety and loneliness. Try dog therapy for a merrier you.
Other #CauseAChatter blogs on Mental Health are-How I Exorcised the Depression Monster in 2020, Postpartum Depression| Imprint on my life, Empathy and Mental Health are Interlinked, Complementary and alternative therapies for depression, 10 best and worst things to say to someone with Depression
Firstly, i must say Vodka is very handsome. 🙂
I really enjoyed reading this post and you have rightly said dogs contribute to our emotional-wellbeing.
Thank you for stopping by Sandhya. Thank you for your appreciation. Vodka is the first dog I have petted in my life
That is such a happy picture! The post made my day. As always I love your smile 🙂
Thanks a ton, Chinmayee….I am a very new dog lover