10 ways to Sustainable Food Choices

The Red Flag is out, our planet is in danger .and it’s clear that we cannot restore it without transforming our food system. We do not have much time to save our planet. Give or take 25 years and we will be in the red. We have to switch to Sustainable Living in all aspects of life. These 10 ways to Sustainable Food Choices show that you don’t have to go out of the way to make a difference. There are simple ways in your daily routine where you can reduce your carbon footprint.
How many of us pay any heed to food waste?
Time to wake up and be smart; practice the methods of sustainable food choices. What we eat has changed the planet. For ages now forests all over the world have been destroyed; for buildings, farms to rear cattle, and grow feed for livestock. Aqua life is depleting in the seas and oceans as they have been ravaged with fishing nets and trawls. Food production is not only the greatest driver of wildlife loss, it contributes to climate change: about a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions is associated with food.
Why do we need to adopt sustainable living?
The primary reason is to sustain our living by smart choices so that future generations do not be deprived of simple things like fresh air or fresh food. Decrease the resources we use in order to protect it, and work with nature not to deplete the resources but augment them to be sustainable.
The next ten years have been declared as the “ decade of action” by the UN. These years will decide whether we can save the planet or resign ourselves to a life of unnatural living.
Make these simple changes to contribute to sustainability-
10 ways to Sustainable Food Choices
1. Eat More Fresh Vegetables

Consciously add fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. We all know that fruit and vegetables are healthy; contain vitamins, minerals and fibre. By eating seasonal fruits and vegetables we reduce the stages of the supply chain; growing, harvesting, storing and transporting lead to a large number of gases or carbon footprint. Visit local farmer’s markets and buy the fresh stock on display.
2. Select A Wide Range Of Foods

The assortment of foods you choose will encourage the farmers to grow them. This way you are helping sustain your diet and the planet to sustain a variety of plant life. 75% of the world’s food supply comes from just 12 plants and five animal species. When there is an assortment of cultivated crops it is harmful to nature as well. Greater diversity in our diets is essential as the lack of variety in agriculture is damaging to nature and puts food security in jeopardy.
3. Avoid Ultra Processed Foods

Generally known as “highly processed foods,” these foods use several ingredients and processes for the end result. It is surmised that these foods are aimed at creating cravings or addictiveness. This leads to more sales and binge eating. Most of these foods are low in nutrients and fibre. The prime culprits are fizzy sodas, chips and biscuits or cookies.
4. Eat Mindfully
Eating in moderation would reduce food wastage, your weight and less burden on the planet. To do all you can for sustainable living, cook in moderation, and reduce left-overs that land in the trash. Home-cooked food and snacks will help you bond with food and bring a balance to the amount you consume. By this, you avoid overeating, a sign of wasting food and being mindless. The corporate giants are filling their coffers and the less we eat, it helps Mother earth and your pocket.
Watch the quantity you cook; it should be sufficient and not surplus. If you have leftovers, pack them well and freeze them for later use. Stop using disposable plates, glasses, spoons, tissue papers, and even straws at home. This is an excellent road to sustainability. Recently, 17 friends and I went on a vacation and we all carried our own water bottles, cloth napkins and bags to reduce plastic usage.
5. Minimize Eating Animal Products

Every morsel of food consumed has an effect on the environment. But, certain foods do more harm than others. Meat production entails breeding, feeding and slaughtering billions of animals for food. This consumes colossal volumes of natural resources, like land, and freshwater which leads to vast amounts of waste and pollution. Bluntly put our desire for meat and the method of using highly intensive methods, to rear poultry, pigs, or cattle enclosed in pens or sheds is unsustainable.
Meat, fish or dairy products should be eaten in moderation. Consider them as a treat to be eaten on weekends or at parties. Processing meat leads to a release of a lot of CO2. it is detrimental to health or to sustaining Earth.
10 ways to Sustainable Food Choices
6. Compost Your Food Waste

Any leftover food can be composted at home along with peels and crumbs. Now modular kitchens come with installed compost bins. If not, buy one to decrease waste as well as create compost for fertile soil. By doing this simple task you contribute to saving the environment. It reduces the waste in landfills and the transportation of your garbage. Landfills are packed tight, air doesn’t get to the organic waste. As it decomposes without oxygen it means it decomposes anaerobically (without oxygen) and generates strong greenhouse gases. When you compost your own green and brown waste, oxygen helps it to decompose in a way that methane is not produced.
7. Find Protein from Plants

Being vegetarian doesn’t mean that you have protein deficiency. In India, there are millions who are vegetarian. All dals, beans like kidney beans, and chickpeas, are packed with protein. They are plant-based; sustainable and adaptable.
Red meat has the largest amount of emissions and if you want to save the planet then eat less meat. Comparatively lean meat and fish have a lesser effect. So, gorge on them and reduce eating red meat if you want to be an environment soldier. Cheese is also a dairy product so are eggs; go easy on them.
8. Opt For Plastic-Free Groceries

Life without plastic seems impossible, isn’t it? But there are supermarkets that are plastic-free. Just make a smart choice and shop for vegetables and fruits that are sold in paper bags or organic juts bags. Or go a step further and carry your own shopping bag. Just think of the amount of decomposable plastic that you will save.
9. Choose Organic

What is organic? Organic food is grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, such as human-made pesticides and fertilizers, and does not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs)- Brittania.com.
The organic food market has grown considerably in this century. Plant-based foods, meats, and dairy products are grown free-range. Organic biscuits and drinks are now piled on supermarket shelves. It is now a billion-dollar industry with mindful systems of producing, processing, distributing, and retailing. Organic food respects nature and augments fertile soil, air and water.
10. Stop The Use Of Palm Oil

In India, palm oil is distributed widely with government ration cards. It is used for cooking and surprisingly to make ice creams, lipstick, detergents and soaps. It is cheaper as the yield is high but the extensive conversion of forests to palm oil plantations has disastrous ramifications on a vast number of animal and plant genera. The plantations have led to human-wildlife conflict which is detrimental to humans as well as limits the natural environment of large animals.
Check out 5 tips to make your home eco-friendly and 3 ways to teach children eco-friendly habits
This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.’
.‘This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter’
I agree with every point you have made – we need to live more sustainably. The one thing about organic is that our Govt does not regulate it – we need genuine organic food that is verified to follow all the conditions to be called organic. With the price of “organic “ so high I think the Indian consumer deserves to know its genuine.
Harjeet this is such an eye opener, its like we can see all this but are never really interested in any action your post will surely be an alert alarm, hoping what you have voiced out will for sure work.
Those are some manageable and easy options of sustainable food choices. I feel that our Elders have been following these choices and look at their health and fitness. We can also follow their footprints.
We needed this article Harjeet. Sustainability is the need of the hour. I am definitely going to share this article
wow Harjeet, soooo true… hit the right place! every point uv written about is spot on!… except that I think not our planet, but WE are in danger… the planet will take care of itself, it operates with a self sustaining mechanism🙂
Totally agree with each point. We really need to think about sustainable food. Your article make me think about the food, wastage of food. What will happen if the builders continue build the complex, no forest and how we will survive. Land, water , electricity like wise food is also coming under the scarcity list.
Sustainability improves the quality of our lives, protects our ecosystem and preserves natural resources for future generations. So I agree with all your points.
We don’t often think about sustainable food habits. Even the biggest crusaders of environment protection fail at this. This is a very worthy post.
I love your articles on your sustainable living! I know you have a garden in your backyard and you harvest your own vegetables. The concept of organic food is spreading very quickly now and hopefully soon everyone will understand the concept of sustainable living.
I have been trying to live a more mindful and sustainable life for some time now, and some of these tips like the palm oil one are great. I avoid processed food and it’s helped me feel so much lighter. Great list!
Your post is very informative. I didn’t know palm oil had such a bad effect on the environment. Everything needs to be in balance.
I love your CauseAChatter posts and this one is definitely one of my favorites. I’m you on food wastage. Given the fact that there are so many who cannot even manage two square meals.
I’m all for sustainability in every aspect of life. Though making changes is difficult, it’s imperative. We must start now, even if it means starting small. Thank you for the eye-opener.
Oh, I did not know the truth behind palm oil, Thanks for sharing. We too try to follow many of these tips in our day-to-day life. Composting has become an integral part now 🙂
Such a wonderful post Harjeet, agree with all the points mentioned here…we have just one planet and we have to save it for our next generations. Me and my family try not to waste food and take how much we can eat.
This is much needed to raise awareness so that we pay attention and make changes to existing practices. Thanks for sharing
I really like the idea of creating compost out of food waste. I had no idea that kitchens these days offer that. It could definitely be implemented.
Great post Harjeet and you have listed many wonderful option to adopt a sustainable food choices. all these options are not only good for our health but they are equally helpful in saving the environment. if we all follow even some of these things, then we can have a better environment for future generations.
A comprehensive article. You have given some very good points and i agree with all of them.
Sadly, the mindset shift that needs to happen to save out planet is still lacking, but i ma hopeful with articles like this which are creating awareness, people will rethink their habits and adopt these suggestions.
Sustainable living is easy if we make conscious and informed changes in our lives. Fresh homemade food is the best. Reducing plastic waste is crucial and I insist everyone to carry their own bags for groceries.
This article is on the point, that we need to understand the necessity of sustainable food choices and more than that spreading awareness for the same is very important.
Yikes palm oil in icecream. First time I’ve heard this. Thanks for the heads up. We try to have non veg on the weekends too.
Choosing better and sustainable food habits is one of the best way to improve health and help protect the environment. I am all for eating mindfully and focussing on plant based proteins. Composting is on my mind but havent got around to do it. Reducing / avoiding plastic is a great way to reduce the carbon footprint. Thanks for the nudge and a timely reminder!
Such great pointers Harjeetji. I totally agree with you.. If not now then when? It’s Already too late and sustainability is the only way we can save our planet. I am trying my best to follow Most of your suggestions but to be frank not put much effort on diversity in our diets. Thanks for reminding me.
Indeed a must-read post in today’s time. Processed food is becoming the priority for busy parents or moms. I removed so many snack items in my kitchen pantry after knowing the reality of palm oil and its effects on our health.
This article is surely going to be a helpful guide to living a sustainable life for me. These are some great practices and I will surely incorporate at least some of them into my life.
Such a good post. I do follow most of these. Specially for my kids. I avoid aerated drink and outside food as much as I can. I also stopped sme of their favorite chocolate coz it’s very high on palm oil.
You are right each action of ours help us make the world better place. Liked the pointer that says eat in moderation and choose products that are healthy and less burden to the planet.
Totally agree with each point. We really need to think about sustainable food. we need it for our future generations
An important and very timely post.