Ambrosial Pineapple Cream Pudding
A sweet and cooling start for the #BlogchatterA2Z 2022 –A for Ambrosial Pineapple Cream Pudding. It is creamy and a no-bake dessert. Made with pineapple chunks, cream, and crushed Marie biscuits. It is the perfect dessert for a hit and blazing day. One of my favourites as it is scrumptious, divine, ambrosial and always a hit whenever I serve it.
This simple summer dessert is ready in a twinkling of the eye. Stay cool and drown yourself in no-cook desserts this summer. Rustle them up to impress your guests or as family treats on scorching days. Make quick and cool desserts like my daughter’s favourite ice cream sandwiches, grandsons; colour a day ice popsicle, sorbets, puddings, and shakes. Even when you love cooking, it’s no fun battling the flames on the hob in the blistering kitchen. It is an icky and sweaty affair.
I usually shy away from making Indian desserts as it gets intensely hot in the kitchen and I get cooked instead. But this is a No-bake dessert! Isn’t that reason enough to make it? No turning on the gas or oven and heating up the whole house! It was my husband’s favourite dessert and once he was found to be diabetic he would ask me to make huge dishes of this pudding and shared it with his friends. I have actually had to say goodbye to a few Pyrex dishes while sharing this pudding.
This Ambrosial Pineapple Cream Pudding
is fast to make and great to eat. Just start by making your crushed Marie biscuit base, add the pineapple chunks and whip the cream mixture, layer it and set it in the freezer. I usually make it the previous night and let it set all night in the fridge. Do not leave it in the freezer once the layers are set.
Like most of my recipes, this pudding is easy-peasy and ready in a jiffy. Your family and friends. will be smacking their lips, asking for more and praising you to the skies.
Recipe For Ambrosial Pineapple Cream Pudding
1/2kg Cream
10 to 15 Marie biscuits
1 can of pineapple slices
1 cup powdered sugar
Crush the Marie biscuits and keep them aside. Marie biscuits! I just love to make puddings with them as they are subtly sweet and crunchy.
Gently squeeze out the syrup from the pineapple slices. Keep one full slice of pineapple slice aside and chop the remaining slices into wedges. Keep the syrup aside as you will need it. I love canned pineapple and I chew up a slice or two while making this dessert. My daughter doesn’t like the pineapple and I get to polish off all the chunks she picks out.
Take fresh cream and gently whip in the powdered sugar until the cream is thick enough. If you live in the tropics, as I do then beat the cream over a bowl of ice or else you will end up with butter!
Take a square dish or a stem glass and layer it with the crushed Marie biscuits. Sprinkle the pineapple syrup over the crushed biscuits so that they set and don’t rise. Just sprinkle; do not pour the syrup or your cream will never set.
Ambrosial Pineapple Cream Pudding
Now make a layer of the chopped pineapple pieces over the biscuit one. Then pour the cream over them to make a cream layer.
Repeat the procedure once the first layer of cream is set. Garnish with the pineapple slice and freeze till set. Once set, do not leave it in the freezer or it will turn into hard ice cream. Cover the dish or glasses with cling film or silver foil so that icicles do not form.
You can cut out the slices and serve them on a plate if you set them in a dish and if you set it in individual glasses then serve them directly. Garnish with a chunk of pineapple or biscuit or even a strawberry if you have any.
And here is how my Ambrosial Pineapple Cream Pudding turned out! Mmmmmm…..yummy. Perfect as usual as there is nothing that can go wrong with it.
If you haven’t checked out my theme for A2Z 2022, then do check it out here.
I am participating in #BlogchatterA2Z by @ Blogchatter 2022
This is a great recipe, thanks for sharing it! I’ve had pineapple cream pudding before but didn’t know how to make it. Will try this out.
Thank you, Brinda
I would like to make this for my kid who has become a picky eater these days.
P.S. To let you know, please correct your twitter handle embedded on your site. There’s double @. So when sharing you aren’t getting linked on twitter.
This one is really a very interesting recipe!!! It looks so refreshing, especially when the heat is rising every minute these days.I am definitely making this soon
This one is really a very interesting recipe!!! It looks so refreshing, especially when the heat is rising every minute these days.I am definitely making this soon
Oh my! My girls would love it. In fact you have made it real simple for me to make it for my kids.
A very interesting recipe. Thanks for sharing!
I could never imagine Marie biscuits could be used as an ingredient in such a recipe! You are a genius.
This looks scrumptious! I love no-bake desserts, mainly because they are easy to make.
Can’t wait to try this one.
It is an easy recipe to impress the guests and make them ask for the recipe with no heat and feeling fatigued.