Circle of Strength-The Women in My Life| #WSWBlogHop

I am the youngest in a large family of 5 siblings – 2 elder sisters and 2 elder brothers. I have sensed this enduring influence of sisterhood from the days of my youth. The stereotype that women don’t support other women needs a rethink. I always believe if one woman has immense power, collectively we can make a huge impact. There is power in a pack; I am going to share my Circle of Strength-The Women in My Life who have made me the woman I am today.
My Mom
The first one would always be my mom, whom we fondly called “Chaiji”.Though she lost her mother as an eight-year-old she shouldered the onus of being a surrogate mother; to her two younger siblings but her tribulations did not end there! Married off young, having a son soon after but tragically losing two daughters during the horrific tragedy of partition; living an uprooted life of a refugee in a camp, she had seen it all. Pawning off her jewellery to survive and moving into the hinterland town of Vijayawada; amidst people who spoke a strange language, she bore four more children. We were a middle-class family. To this day I marvel at how she managed the household expenses with the meagre income my dad earned. We got the best education possible; there was always good food on our table, cooked with tremendous love.
My Sisters
My sisters, Harinder and Swarndeep Kaur were my first teachers. I was in lower kindergarten at age 4. But was promoted two classes ahead on the strength of their coaching me at home! Thanks to them, I started reading very young and I became a certified bookworm. I am eternally grateful to them for being my first gurus.
Circle of Strength-The Women in My Life
My Daughter, my Strength
For me, the one hand that continues to be a lifeline to this day is that of my daughter. Esha Singh is my pillar and what a remarkable young lady she has turned out to be! My heart swells with pride when I see how she emerged stronger after losing her beloved dad; that too as a teenager when she needed him the most. She even topped the school in the board exams that year! She is now one of the lead political campaigners at IPAC; the company with the Midas touch in the victories of many a political party in India.
My husband’s sudden demise caught me unawares. From being a homemaker and a full-time mom, I was thrown into the hurly-burly of the outside world; to start a career at the age of 40. Esha sensed the financial crunch we were facing and she started giving tuitions at 15. At an age when her peers were attending coaching classes for higher studies; she tutored school children to add income to the family kitty. And when in the 11th and 12th grade she taught Spoken English to adults at an Institute where I was teaching too! That was her calibre and I was a witness to her grit even then.
Esha Singh
As they say, there is power in the pack and our duo made a formidable team. The truth is that we needed to band together to weather the storm that had hit us. She is my self-appointed bodyguard, my best friend and my go-to person whenever I am feeling low. She peps me up and helps me over the worst of my anxiety episodes.
I knew she had great potential and although it meant living alone, I let her spread her wings and fly the nest; she graduated from Miranda House, New Delhi. While in College she never left an opportunity to intern at different places; landed her first job as soon as she graduated at the ripe age of 20. She was a research scholar to the editor at Vayu magazine. And then stepped on to the Election bandwagon with CAG and now IPAC. I am the luckiest mother on this planet to have Esha as my daughter?
My Guardian Angel-Moushmi
Moushmi Kapadia, mother to two lovely boys (one of whom was born with muscular dystrophy) is the most multifaceted person whom I have encountered in my life! She’s an entrepreneur cum graphic designer, Zumba trainer, an avid biker, adventure sports freak, globe trotter and I’d like to call her my Guardian Angel. I met her as a part of a group on Facebook. It was on a visit to Mumbai to be with my daughter that I personally met her for the first time. What followed in the years to come as a severe spine injury which was operated upon leading to loss of a job and a severe financial crunch. This led to depression and my life seemed to be rapidly going downhill.
Friends in my immediate environment were of no help in my moment of despair and I had suicidal tendencies at this point. That’s when out of the blue came a call from my Guardian Angel Moushmi. She understood my deep distress and called my daughter who was residing in a different city to fly me down to Mumbai pronto! That’s how I’m still alive to narrate this story to you! In ten days with alternative therapy, I re-joined humanity so to speak, returned home reborn, rejuvenated and healed. Angels do exist and such miracles do happen is my belief and I stand by it. Moushmi is an empathetic, devoted, trusted soul mate and bosom pal not just to me but a 100 others as well. May she always be surrounded by love!
My chaddi-buddy Kalpana
Finally, I have to tell you about my chaddi-buddy Kalpana. After being buddies since we were four in primary school to graduating in high school as 17-year-olds we experienced it all. But we lost touch after that for many years. After marriage, widowhood, depression and being pulled out of it by Moushmi, I was desperate to have genuine friends around me. I put an all-out effort to trace the whereabouts of my school buddies. And I should pat my back for managing to contact 15 of them in a matter of days! I formed a Watsapp group with them on the 29th October 2015 and within a month we had a reunion of the Class of ‘78!
And thereon began a symbiotic relationship, she is my BAE, a pillar of support, my soul mate who listens unconditionally to my innermost voice. Being non-judgemental and supporting me in my low moments and resoundingly applauding every little achievement makes her my “go-to” person now. When women in your life not only nudge you when you take a wrong turn, teach you what they have experienced and learnt from, bring home positive vibes then you know you’ve made a lifelong connection. Women need to be MAS aka Mutual Admiration Sources and we have that with each other. My day does not satisfactorily end if I’ve not had a conversation with her and at this very moment I’m hosting her and my city is being painted red all over!!
Circle of Strength-The Women in My Life
Kalpana-The woman that she Is
A small aside about my BAE Kalpana..this mother of two successful children who has settled abroad, had a severe blip on her health radar and conquered a Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in the abdominal area. She now volunteers with a senior-care NGO named UDHAVI as she believes in sharing time and spreading cheer with her sunny disposition in the lonely world of elders.
Essentially all these amazing women in my life have underlined an important MANTRA … be there for another woman, lift her up when she is down, applaud her achievements, celebrate with her! Madeline Albright may have said and I quote “There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women “……but I’d rather give it a twist and say “There is a special place in heaven for women who help other women”!
Celebrating and sharing another woman’s triumphs or achievements does not take away from your shine or glory. It will only add to it and create more light. I am a part of the women supporting women community #WSWBlogHop and I rightly believe that we should support, empower and grow together. I am overwhelmed with the motivating and inspiring blogs from these dazzling women in this blog hop. Check out all the links Here and do tell me how you liked Circle of Strength-The Women in My Life
If you want to know more about me read The Woman That I am
What an inspiring journey you have Harjeet you are so lucky to have so many inspirational souls around. I must say your honest confession always managed to take a special place in my heart. Well said empowered women empowers women. Your story about women supporting women kept me hooked till the end. I feel so blessed to get connected with you via the blogging world.
Thank you so much for those words Archana. Ten years of my life went away in just surviving and it is these women who helped me pull through. There is no one else except my blogging groups. Even my sisters are no suport
Wishing you the best of everything in life! Hugs ❤️
Thank u so much Archana..I reciprocate the wishes back to you
Kudos to your strength and all those who sailed with you in this journey. We all have so many superheroes in our life whom we hardly acknowledge.
Thanks Ujjwal…yes we do and we should be thankful for them
Hats off to you👏👏👏
Thank you so much…you know my journey 🙂
That’s a beautiful list of strong people around you and if women can have such pillars of life truly it is a blessing. Stay blessed always and thanks for the inspiring list of women in your life. Wishing you more success and happiness. 😊😊😊
Thank you Sivaranjini…I just had these 4 but I am glad I had them
Such an inspiring journey of your life! You have beautifully penned the powerful impact of women in your life in this journey and who helped you become what you are today.
It is so warming to see your circle of strength! More power to you and best wishes always !
Thank you so much Jyoti..Its been a hard journey but well worth it.
So much love??? 🙂
I believe in the adage I read somewhere “ Your energy introduces you before you even speak”…we lost touch but reconnected because it was meant to be! And my dear friend what goes around comes around… a kind deed begets a kind deed. You have been mine too …. the pillar ..the support when I needed it! More power to more women to stand up for women!!
Yes..rightly said…what goes round comes around but there has been only one Kalpana 🙂 Love u girl.
Wow it was really great to know Harjeet more about you and your journey. I specially admire your loving bond with your daughter. and hats off to both you for facing many challenges and still come up as a winner every time. more power to both of you!
Thanks has been a very gruelling journey and my daughter is the biggest support
Thats such a uplifting post Harjeet. We are surrounded with such inspiring people who give their share into our lives and be there in our think and thins. You are blessed to have so many such people who always spread the positivity.
Thanks Alpana..these r the only ones the rest if the women just pulled me down.
You are blessed to have such a wonderful circle of women surrounding you. Women are definitely each other’s safety nets and it is so important to have healthy female influences in our lives!
Thanks, Noor ..but there have been very few indeed
I am feeling so overwhelmed reading your journey and how you have had support from women throughout. This side of our community needs more celebration and sharing. So glad you decided to write and share about each one of them. So happy and proud having you in the tribe women supporting women
Thank you so much blogging community has given me lots of support, strength and accepted me with open arms..i am truly blessed
Thank you so much for the Blog hop was the best I have ever taken part in. My list of supportive women is very small compared to the long list who have treated me like dirt or as if I didnt exist.
Wow I have to think and make a story on Instagram regarding this. I mean I love the way you have listed the important women in your life. More power to all of you.
Thank u Cindy…it has not been an easy journey but I just keep looking at the positives and very thankful for it.
This is such a lovely post Harjeet. Specially reading about women’s stories narrated by another woman. So beautifully penned and I could feel the warmth of love and affection in every bit of it. Lovely. Best wishes.
Thank u Swarnali….Best wishes to u as well
Having a group of people who support each other in every aspect is truly needed by all of us. Your support system is very inspiring and giving them their appreciation in this post is a brilliant way to show your love towards them.
Thank you..there have been very few so I listed them out 🙂
I always admire you Harjeet for the woman you are. But, today I admire those woman who were like angels in your life to pull you out from the worst phase of your life. Kudos to your grit and strength to face the storm and stand by it.
Thank you has been an arduous journey and if ut wasn’t for these women I would not be alive
This is amazing post .That’s a beautiful list of strong people around you and if women can have such pillars of life truly it is a blessing
Thanks Jyoti..yes I am always full of gratitude
Wow extra-ordinarily empowering post. Appreciate sharing stories of strong women who overcame their obstacles and help other women. Thank you for sharing these inspiring life stories.
Thank you Kinshoo…there were many who made my life hell but then these were there to bring me back to life.
This is such a heart warming post the way you have talked about all the women around you and how you have called them the circle of strength, truly a women is the most strong person in our life and the different roles she plays are so very critical. we need to have all of them around and with us always
Thanks for sharing this piece
Thanks Arti…there r many who have pulled me down but these few have made it worth the while
A tough journey but supported by women whom you love for eternity. Thank you for sharing about your circle of women.
Thanks has been tough but satisfying journey
This makes me believe in sisterhood.. kudos to all these women who are so supportive to each other. Lucky you for having so many positive women around.
You are indeed an inspiration to readers like me! Having a support pillar is very necessary and you are lucky to have found them! Thank you for sharing your journey.
God might’ve been unkind to you in some wags but he more than made up for it by blessing you with such a formidable girl gang, if I can call it that. Kudos to you and these awesome women for the courage and strength you’ve shown over the years!
Reading your post has made me realise how rich I am. The women in my life are special too. It’s good to have women who understand each other and work in harmony
Today’s world is become so competitive, be it men or. Women, all like to pull each other down jist ti be ahead in the race. Reading your story made me realize good still prevails in this cynical world. You have been so lucky to have been surrounded with so much love and support. May ALlah tala bless you with health and success in all your endeavors. This post came as a source of inspiration when i needed it the most…
Dr. Rahat
You know research has shown that women do better when they have a group of strong female friends. It’s so wonderful that you have such a awe-inspiring and lovely women in your circle. More power to all of you! May your bond strengthens with each passing day. Cheers!
Dear you are surrounded by ur Angel’s. In your trying and tough times these women have been your support and you are so lucky to have them with you . God bless ur daughter for being such strong support.
It feels really nice to hear about such inspiring story. It is really important we understand how important such support are for us.
Kudos to you. This is such an inspiring post. Empowered women truly empower others and that’s the spirit that will take you places. A big Salute to that thought. Keep Inspiring with your beautiful thoughts.
This is such a heart warming and uplifting post. I miss having a sibling when i read such stuff! Nice to see you have such positive women in your life. ENjoy.