Reading and other Important Days in September
My 3rd Post for the #MyFriendAlexa Challenge
While checking the list of important days in September 2019 I found Reading and other Important Days in September of national and international importance. I found that 5th September is Teachers Day, 6th is Read a Book Day, 8th Literacy day and 25th my favourite Comic book day. This gave me the perfect subject for my third blog. for MyFriendAlexa.
5th September, Teachers’ Day
Books and Teaching go hand in hand and Teachers make the written word come alive. Teaching is the most revered profession across the world. India has an ancient tradition of Guru-Shishya relationship where Guru is respected more than even God or parents. To commemorate the birth anniversary of our second president Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a renowned academician, and Teachers’ day is celebrated in India, every year on the 5th of September. Internationally, World Teacher’s day is a celebrated month later on 5th Oct. The theme for this year’s World Teachers’ Day has been stated to be, “Young Teachers: The future of the Profession.”
Reading and other Important Days in September
Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world said Malala Yousafzai, How true is that. My best and the satisfying job was as a Spoken English Teacher. The students would be in my class just for 5 weeks. The other day, while I was crossing the road, one guy walked up and said, you were my teacher, ten years ago and those were the best days of my life. What joy in imparting skills and being remembered after all those years?

The 6th of September is Read a Book Day
To create awareness about reading. Start from home….read and inculcate the same reading habit in your kids and see their world becoming a better place. Why do you read?
• It’s the best excuse for some peace and quiet.
• Chance to curl up in your favourite chair.
• All your friends are busy.
• Walking to the library is a good exercise.
• A book can change your life (The Alchemist).
• You’re going through a difficult time and you just need to escape into a beautiful, made-up world.
• You need to polish your rusty imagination.
• Fed up with the voices and sounds in your head.
• Escape from the screens and gadgets
Or if you have other reasons, do grab a book and just READ.

Literacy day falls on 8th September
International Literacy Day is a day to highlight improvements in world literacy rates and reflect on the worlds remaining literacy challenges. The topic of literacy is a key element of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. One of its objectives is to ensure all young people attain literacy and numeracy and adults who are lacking these skills are given the chance to gain them.
The development of skills and literacy will help to improve the lives and work of people. It will contribute to equitable and workable societies. This day also concentrates on the various skills and proficiencies required for occupation and income, mainly technical and vocational skills besides transferable and digital skills. It is an essential tool to eliminate poverty, lower child mortality, control population growth and attain gender equality. It is rightly said that literacy has the capability to elevate family status. Consequently, this day is celebrated to encourage the people towards getting continuous education and comprehend their duty for the family, society and the nation.

International Comic Book Day is on 25th September.
In 1837 there came a trivial, seemingly insignificant change in the way stories had been told. One Obadiah Oldbuck created as a series of successive pictures with text blurbs. This random creation became unbelievably popular in both the US and France. Rodolphe Töpffer is the father of the Comic and Obadiah Oldbuck the first comic character. We honour this man on Comic Book Day for that first unassuming publication created in jest.
History of Comic Book Day
In 1933 the publication known as Famous Funnies, considered to be the first actual comic book. Published in the United States, compiled from a collection of comic strips that had already been printed in newspapers.
How to celebrate Comic Book Day
If you grew up bonded to the pages of comic books, Comic Book Day cheers you to get out and cuddle this unbelievable storytelling medium. This isn’t a day to simply read the funny strips in the newspaper, but to head out to your local book store and pick up and read the amazing stories in the pages of your favourite comic books; Tin tin, Asterix, Archie’s, Richie Rich or the Marvel series. Remember Dennis the Menace or Phantom, Snoopy or Dilbert?
If you hate to read then you have not found that one book that can change your life. Literacy is like a bridge from ignorance to knowledge. Literacy can transform lives and words can change worlds.
When I was growing up, the major genre of Comics was humour, plain and simple. We should bring back those fun comics as humour is greatly lacking in our lives.
If you want to know what writing means to me? Check it out here
Reading is the best medicine to stay focused and fresh up !! I really loved your write up
Thanks, Ruchi..we have to pass it on to our kids
I didn’t know about most of these days. September certainly seems geared to awakening the reader in a person!
So true Noor….I knew only of Teachers day
Lovely post to motivate reading and all the reasons for it. Read a book day was new to me.
Thanks Pragun. I was just looking for teachers day
wow, September is so full of books, education and knowledge
Yes, Ujjwal. There are many more important days on the calendar.
I am not aware of so many different days geared up in September to awaken the reader in us
Yes Suha. I found it a pleasant surprise.
September surely encourages us to adore more books in life. Lovely post, I was unaware of a few days celebrated.
Thanks Pragnya. I also chanced upon them for the first time.
Wow I did not know September was about education and reading. Thanks for this lovely post and to encourage to read!!
Thank you Arushi. Thanks for stopping by. It was an eyeopener for me too.
The funny strips in the newspaper were really cool, I remember. This comic day I will revive my habit again.
Yes, waiting every day for the paper was a highlight. Comics were such fun.
Wonderful collection of days with short personal notes from you makes it really good read . #damurureads #myfriendalexa
Thanks, Urvashi. Thank you for stopping by.
Lovely topic. Nice read.
And September 15 is celebrated Engineer’s day because it’s the birthday of Sir M Vishveshwaraiah. Teaching is one the most noblest professions indeed. So noble in fact that it’s better to call it a service, rather than a profession.
Thanks for sharing Shweta.
oh! I knew only teacher’s day. But read a book day ,comic day seems nice. At least that’s a nice reason to indulge in books.
Same here. I was looking for teachers day and these international days popped up.
so beautiful post keep up & the writing is so well written on the important days of sep 🙂
Thank you Smitha….thanks for stopping by.
i love reading, i’m always found reading novels online or paperback. Great Post
Thank you…reading is like breathing for me.
Thanks for this. Its very useful for planning our social media calendar 🙂
My pleasure Neha. Thanks for stopping by.
Thats a great list of reading days, Now, with Alexa there are more reasons to read every september 🙂
Yes, we tend to ignore these days but we shud encourage the youngsters.
Comics were the best part of my childhood. Infact after having a baby, i couldn’t read a full novel and i went back to ccomics.. it’s such a delight to go back to a railway station where i finally found some comics and came back with handful of them. 🙂
I could only read Comics in the Library and I used to walk down, read for a couple of hours and get back. Never had enough money to buy and Comics we were not allowed to take home.50paise for a book seemed like a huge amount for me but I used to save to read.
Nice post! I didn’t know that there were so many special days dedicated to reading! I love the way you have woven your own personal experiences in this post. Keep writing ! #MyFriendAlexa #DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter
Thanks, Mayura. I write straight from the heart 🙂 Thanks u for stopping by.
To start with, I love your blog name. Coming to your blog, thank you so much for the reminder. We tend to miss and forget these days.
Surbhi #surreads
Thank you Surbhi….I am a freelance writer, thus took that name. Yes, we tend to forget days, dates as we have too much on our plate.
Reading Day is 365 days!
Agreed. That is for a regular reader. But here it is to encourage and promote reading in those who never read.
That’s really a new information for me… Thanks a lot for sharing it… But you missed our day, 15th, national Engineer’s day…
Sorry Aditya…I was focussing on days linked to reading blogging.
Wow… Wasn’t aware of such specifics about September, by the way September is a special month for me as well… My birthday falls in September ..
Another virgo! Both my kids r Virgos and September has many special days
I loved this post, I’m motivated to reopen my books and finish them on time 🙂
Thanks,Glad it did that. Arti. Books are our best friends.
Reading is crazy and all 365 days works !!
True Upasana and the best part is there is no end to reading
Reading an teaching go hand in hand, yes, of course. Read a book to polish the rusty mind… like that. Do feel rusty when I don’t read!
True Srishti books are our best friends.