Bourbon Cream Pudding
B is for Bourbons for #BlogchatterA2Z 2021
Today’s  Bourbon Cream Pudding is true to its name. It is very easy and yummy to taste. Many people think desserts are too much trouble and lots of ingredients, but one can improvise and conjure up a delectable dish out of a few ingredients.
What is a dessert? Dessert is a sweet food, like cake, pudding, ice cream, or fruit served as the final course of a meal. Most of us like to bite into something sweet after dinner, don’t we?
I do not eat biscuits and I had these bourbons in a cookie jar for a few days.  Bourbons and chocolate make a perfect combo for dessert. A couple of friends were dropping in for dinner and I planned to use them for dessert. I checked the refrigerator and there was ½ a litre of cream. The idea for the pudding set in and I went about making it.
Recipe for Bourbon Cream Pudding

½ litre Fresh cream
1 pct bourbon biscuits
3/4th cup sugar powdered.
1 tbsp chocolate powder
1 tbsp coffee powder
4 tsp water

Firstly, mix the coffee powder and sugar in the water.  Next, separate the bourbons, dip each slice in the black coffee mixture and line a glass bowl with these bourbons.
Subsequently, take the fresh cream in a bowl and fold in the powdered sugar. See that the cream is thick and not watery. Pour over the layer of bourbons. Place the bowl in the refrigerator for 30 mins.
Once the cream is set, dust the cocoa powder over the cream. Garnish with bourbons. Place in the refrigerator and serve cool. You can garnish with chocolate chunks too or walnuts.
Bourbon Cream Pudding is creamy, chocolatey and sinful! Do try it out.

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