healthy homemade kale frittata is a quick healthy bake with fresh kale leaves sauteed in onion and baked with eggs...
Read moreDetailsgrilled garlic potato wedges without butter are a healthy snack with the flavour of garlic and mixed herbs like oregano,...
Read moreDetailsfluffy homemade pancake recipe is very easy and can be made in a jiffy with simple ingredients like flour, sugar,...
Read moreDetailsdelectable corn salad in cucumber boats is perfect for summer.the flavour of the sweet corn with the tangy lime, the...
Read moreDetailsbesan ka chilla recipe looks like a vegetarian omelette and can be stuffed with any vegetables like onion, tomato, peas,...
Read moreDetailsappe, paniyaram or guntapunugulu| #blogchattera2z add onions, salt, chilli powder, and cilantro to dosa batter to make spongy appe on...
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